Impressed ? Let's go to the Roots !

If you've gotten this far, then I know you're most definitely impressed ! It's okay , no need to deny it .

I know, I know, How did i do it right ? Let me introduce you to the SHR TEALS Computer Science Class ♥

Introduction to Computer Science is my secret. First period; 8:00 am sharp ! Everyday of the week for only 45 mins.

How can someone learn so much in so little time? Nothing is impossible , even though I said it multiple times. The word itself say "I'm"possible !

What is TEALS? No silly, not the color , although very beautiful ♥.♥ TEALS stands for Technology Education and Literacy in Schools.

Prior to this knowledge I'm feeding you as a result of this class , I've learned about ...


Working on this project was a great introduction to the formatting of web pages and to HTML & CSS. Although working through the creation of the website, I had some very challenging times. Yes, I know , how could that be ? Remember, I said nothing is impossible. Even I, myself would've never thought I'd get this far on this. It was very difficult for me to process all the new information but as time went by, it became more clear to me and I had a better idea of what to do. Of course, i didnt do it all by myself. Without the help of wonderful teachers such as Erty Siedohl, Robert Coe, & Mrs. Jacqueline DuFont, I Would've stumbled throughout the whole thing. Lucky as I am, I had them right there , ready to listen to whatever questions I had. So what am I trying to say? You can also build your own website, as long as you are determined and ready to be helped.

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!