Oh hey there ! I see you found your way to simbanet's first link of juicy juicy info. Why wait any longer right ? Just keep reading !
Well HTML was released in 1993, which if my math is correct was about 22 years ago ! Unbelievable right ?!
It was developed by W3C & WHATWG both found in 1994. Strange looking letters just put together ? Same thing I said !
Oh you thought I was going to leave you hanging without even telling you what does letters mean? Oh no I'm better than that, Like I said keep reading.
Those letters and number aren't just there to be there . They represent HTML standards.
W3C= World Wide Web Consortium. Get The W3 Part Now ? Yea, thought so.
WHATWG= Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. Nothing funny about this one..But keep it in mind though.
Did I mention it is a document file format used to create lovely web pages ? Yup, it's that good.
HTML has several tags that include...
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!